Manaus, 02/06/2024


Terroristas atacam Israel através da fronteira com o Líbano

Dhayra Village (Lebanon), 11/10/2023.- A damaged building in Dhayra village, southern Lebanon near the Lebanese-Israeli border, Lebanon, 11 October 2023. Hezbollah said on 11 October it fired missiles on Israel, two days after three of its members were killed in border towns. The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) said an anti-tank missile was launched from Lebanon toward a military post adjacent to the community of Arab Al-Aramshe on the BlueLine, and it responded by shelling Southern Lebanese towns. (Líbano) EFE/EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
Dhayra Village (Lebanon), 11/10/2023.- A damaged building in Dhayra village, southern Lebanon near the Lebanese-Israeli border, Lebanon, 11 October 2023. Hezbollah said on 11 October it fired missiles on Israel, two days after three of its members were killed in border towns. The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) said an anti-tank missile was launched from Lebanon toward a military post adjacent to the community of Arab Al-Aramshe on the BlueLine, and it responded by shelling Southern Lebanese towns. (Líbano) EFE/EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
11/10/2023 20h12

Nesta quarta-feira (11), israelenses que moram na região norte do país receberam alertas para procurar um local seguro e assim se proteger de novos ataques vindos da fronteira com o Líbano. As informações são do The Jerusalem Post.

Os terroristas usaram drones que foram interceptados, não chegando a causar danos. Também há relatos de terroristas em parapentes pousando no norte de Israel.

As forças de segurança emitiram alertas de foguetes em toda a região, inclusive em Haifa. As Brigadas Al-Qassam de Haifa disseram que dispararam um foguete em direção a Haifa durante o ataque.

Alertas de infiltração terrorista foram emitidos simultaneamente em Maalot Tarshicha e Maayan Baruch, também na região morte de Israel.

O perfil do X, antigo Twitter, das Forças de Defesa de Israel (IDF, sigla em inglês) confirmou as sirenes ao norte, no centro e também no sul do país, alertando a população dos riscos eminentes. Há grandes possibilidades dos ataques partirem dos terroristas do Hezbollah.


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